Page name: Kaleigh's photos - camping [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-06-30 16:10:46
Last author: Raiyr
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Kaleigh's photos - camping

My camping trip for 2006! Enjoy!

The Alien Popcorn Pod of Doom!! These things always fascinated me! 'Cause you put them over a little burner, and *pop!*pop!*pop!* Instant popcorn! I think they look like little alien pods or something, lol.

:o It's the Alien Popcorn Pod, being opened to be comsumed! XD

"Bright light, bright light!" - said Gizmo. XD And so did I! :) It was really dark, as you can see behind me, and the only light we had was the fire, then *FLASH!* Camera light in face *.*

Yay! My log that I found and sat on alot during the time I was there :) I don't know how many times I almost fell off that thing XD I have the most odd look on my face...

Look at that determined face of mine... Lol, I was fishing ^_^

:o Oh yeah!! Dinner time! *dances around* That steak in the front was mine! I swallowed it whole practically o.o

[*Sony*] surprised me with the camera while I was drinking a coke. x_x It looks like I'm kissing the coke can! XD

Oooo! Wormy! Long earth worm... Ick. x_x

Lol, my mom and I talking. [*Sony*] succesfully managed to chop off the top of my head XD

There's my mom on the log about to go fishing ^_^

Rofl! I swear! She was cooking! Not dancing XD

Our pic-nic table with the little smoke pots by it :D

[*Sony*] and I cooking ^_^

[*Sony*] cooking again :)

o_o Oooo... Shana look mad. *runs and hides* She was reading and I surprised her ^_^

Shana trying to withstand the light of the flash!

Our beautiful fire ^_^

The lake :D

There's our tent, and some of the lake, and the log! :D I *heart* log! ^_^ XD

-_- Toast in the face! Shana, innocently holds her toast up and smiles, and then, *SPLAT!* Toast and eggs in my face -.- XD

You ready for this next one?


Okay! Here it is! XD

:O Me! About to eat worms! YUCK! XDXD But hey, I've done it before! XD

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2006-06-30 [Raiyr]: Mmm... worms ^_^

2006-06-30 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD i bet they're good with ketchup on them.

2006-06-30 [Raiyr]: They're alright... I've eaten them before for money... I have it on video somewhere *looks for it*... :/ If I don't find it, I'll take another :D XDXD

2006-06-30 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD Your my kind of girl lol

2006-06-30 [Raiyr]: :D Of course ;D Lol ^_^ I'm weird like that, you know? XD

2006-06-30 [Voice of the Voiceless]: Yes We can be weird together lol ^^

2006-06-30 [Raiyr]: Lol, YAY! Someone who doesn't care that I'm weird, and actually wants to be weird with me :D :d *hugs* \o/

2006-06-30 [Lonely Shadow]: interesting pictures, and being weird is fun I don't understand why people don't do it more often...

2006-06-30 [Raiyr]: Because people are too serious! -.- Stupid serious people... There's a time for seriousness... but not for me :D

2006-06-30 [Voice of the Voiceless]: *snuggles kay* XD

2006-06-30 [Lonely Shadow]: lol yes, seriousness is good when it's needed but not when you're trying to have fun

2006-06-30 [Raiyr]: ...seriously.... XD

2006-06-30 [Voice of the Voiceless]: Hey I'll be on ina few I'm going to play guitar

2006-06-30 [Raiyr]: Awe... Okay... I have to go anyway :/

2006-06-30 [Lonely Shadow]: ok, have fun lol

2006-07-01 [DRACE]: wow your looking cute as always, very nice pics... just not the worm one at the end *shudders*

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